Monday, July 4, 2016

Continued...Faith in the darkness.

Then we went into the mode many people go into…how do we survive? How do we make ends meet? How do we self-preserve because sometimes God just does not feel like enough?

This began countless nights of Ian up, not sleeping, in pain…many nights of me getting up to see him lying on the ground…on his stomach, on his back…whatever position to relieve the pain but the one constant was the sound of worship and praise playing over him as he was battling to hold on to the promises of the Lord.  To this day when these nights are brought to remembrance, my faith is strengthened by the unwavering faith my husband sowed in tears over our household, over our family, over our future. Ian was a young dad, a young husband, a young business owner that could no longer provide consistent income for his family...he could not run around with his little boys and toss them over his shoulder. When we finally got him into one of the best spinal surgeons in the state he was told…you need to rest, do not lift anything. Yea, you can imagine how we walked out of that appointment full of hope!? NOT! How does a father of two and soon three rest and not lift his own children as his wife struggles to lift her own shoe off the ground with her big belly in the way! We knew God’s ways would have to be greater than man’s ways at this point…ONLY JESUS!

We prayed, we cried, we were silent in the struggle of decision making…but then it was decided…I would return to work at the hospital, to one of the toughest medical floors known to a nurse, 12 hour shifts…in my third trimester with only God as my security at this point. I continued my weekly OB appointments, my weekly ultrasounds but my self-directed bedrest was now a thing of the past and yes, Ian had to lift our boys up each day to help bath them, dress them and care for them. And...God provided…He provided abundance of energy, health, rest, compassion, grace, assurance and assistance through all the amazing people I worked with, through our friends that loved us. His Spirit rested upon me and in me…He reminded me of His promises as I was caught between the crossfire of fear of man and the revelation and wisdom of my Abba that sometimes a mama can only understand. There is risk in many decisions we make, but I have learned that the risk of disobedience and not following the peace of God is greater. We followed the peace although it looked like insanity and yes even stupidity and neglect to others…and yes I know some of you reading this now will think and feel again those same emotions and judge me so I am thankful for grace and identity.

During this time Ian began to seek some relief through medical intervention and pain specialists as we discovered Ian had two herniated disks. We decided to try steroid injections as surgery was not an option and any type of pain medication would put Ian into a partial coma! We had learned this lesson during his hip surgery when the nurse came out to the recovery room and explained to me about his lack of breathing during surgery as he was so naïve to sedation and then again when his blood pressure dropped to almost nothing when given morphine and nausea medication at two separate times. Yea, you could say the Lord has watched over Ian better than any doctor! Scary times, but God was good, is good!

I worked until the last few days of my pregnancy…had some complications getting the stitch removed from my cervix. Crazy…all that concern over the stitch not holding up, preterm labor and so much more and now it took another hospitalization to get it removed! Then still no labor…so I was induced and Gideon was born…healthy, full of fight and joy! Gideon, our mighty warrior!

We moved forward, although most days felt as if we were crawling forward…I worked some part-time, Ian managed to get through appointments on his good days. We were able to always have one of us home with the boys which was always important to us, to I was a survivor of sexual abuse during the years of my childhood at a babysitter’s home. God was faithful…He knew our hearts’ desires but we still struggled knowing that there was even more He had for us…there was a fullness in Him we were not living in. There was healing, tangible healing we knew we needed, our marriage needed, our hearts needed…but most days we were feeling around in the dark trying to get our balance just to take the next step.
Then in His grace, when we asked...He again lit our path.
But to my surprise, there was no longer a path but a cliff, and my tired, bloody feet were at the edge of it…







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