Thursday, September 21, 2017

What are we made of?

We talk about resilience a lot these days…especially when we take our eyes off of ourselves and look at the lives around us. I know I have talked of resilience before but as I live life, it becomes more than a cool topic for a TED talk or lecture…it becomes painfully obvious what resilience is really about. It is about compressive stress. One definition reads: “the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress.” The ability to recover has to do with the property of the material that enables something to resume its original shape or position after the compression, the stress. It made me think of two aspects…

What are we made of?

Do we really want to go back to our original position after a stress that is so compressive it causes deformity?

I can’t help but to think of Jesus…no matter what your view of religion or spirituality--Jesus, His death and resurrection literally shine new light on the concept of resilience.
He was stripped, mocked, spit on, struck on the head over and over, a crown of thorns forced onto His head…He was stricken, pierced and crushed for our iniquities. His body took on a deformed state as it bore physical and spiritual anguish and suffering…the man Jesus became unidentifiable because of the torn flesh, the oppression, the judgement and the affliction of man…as death consumed Him, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit!

What happens then is miraculous as Jesus is raised again…He descends and raises and then ascends in glory, to Glory! He sits at the right hand of Glory Himself! Kind of makes you think of resilience. What was He made of and what position did He resume after such compression and crushing stress? How did He resurrect from deformity?
One thing…He was all man and all God. Reminds me of the importance of abiding in Him as He abides in us. The importance of Holy Spirit alive in us. He gave up His spirit and in exchange His resurrected and ascension was in and with Glory!

What are we made of? Have we exchanged our spirit for His? Have we allowed alignment of our mind, will, and emotions to Holy Spirit within us…is that what we are made of? His spirit and the fruit of His spirit? Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control… Do we really want to go back to our original shape, our original position? When I think on this question, I say NO!

When we look at Jesus, He went from a position of brokenness to glory. He was literally transformed. The scripture talks of glory to glory, mountain top to valleys to new heights. His life, His death, His resurrection has changed my perception of resiliency. When compressive stress deforms me, I never want to return to my prior state or position…I desire to move forward with a more refined body, heart, and mind. I desire to mature in my responses to others, in my emotions. I do not want to be one that in my immaturity compresses people and then leaves their deformed bodies, souls, and crushed spirits for God to redeem. I desire to be a vessel that comes alongside deformity in Love, in His spirit and leave room for His glory and redemption.

Let’s ask ourselves again…what are we made of? Then ask, what do we need to exchange to bring glory to compression, to bring redemption to deformity? We say beauty for ashes, but are we creating more beauty or more ashes with our lives? Are we bringing deformity or the fruit of His spirit?

…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.
                                                                              Isaiah 61:3

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Light of His Face...

"It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them."

Psalm 44:3...This is the verse Holy Spirit brought to my attention a couple months ago. I love my country and my heart breaks for my country, for the world. I love the men and women that have fought and even died for my freedoms so I can share my thoughts in writing. This verse continues to bring me assurance during such a difficult time in America.

Hearing of so much hate, so many accusations, so many power trips, so many ego trips...a battle for a "kingship" to repair and restore a "kingdom" that has been broken, breached. A kingdom that in reality has been broken since the great deception in the Garden of Eden. Then there are the destructive talks of big armies, big money, big promises and big promotions. Faith leaders fueled the discussions and sometimes the destruction. Relationships continue to be strained, broken. The un-friending on social media continues. The mom with the homosexual son continues to be afraid for his life, his future. The single, pregnant mom that makes just enough to send her first child to daycare so she can work for minimum wage still makes an appointment for an abortion. The homeless, mentally ill veteran is still sleeping in the back alley in Downtown Phoenix. The orphan still aches to know his father. Radical groups continue to destroy life every moment as we mount up to make America great again.

It is painful, it is dark...

We as a family gathered this Sunday morning to praise, worship and reflect. What a life we have...the good and the bad...we are thankful! Then Ian had us ask this question.

Father God, what would you like to share with us, the church, today?

Just before he asked the question, Holy Spirit brought me to Psalm 44:3 again. I wrote it in my journal as I figured He must have more to reveal...and like a faithful Father knowing the heart of his daughter, He began to reveal as I invited Him to speak.

He immediately gave me a picture...a purple heart.

My initial thought was, why not red? But I quickly pressed in to the more He had. He said..."He is King, invitations into His Kingdom will abound this year." I turned a page back from Psalm 44 and read Psalm 43:3 as a reminder of how a king reigns. "Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell."

While sharing with my family, as I spoke the word purple heart...the revelation came to me in such fullness. Purple Heart...which is awarded for "being wounded or killed in any action against an enemy of the United States or as a result of an act of any such enemy or opposing armed forces".

He is our Hero, our Advocate...Jesus sent by the Father, His Father. Sent to war here on earth and in the heavens on our behalf, for His victory, for our victory! He suffered, was wounded, was killed and was resurrected to conquer the enemy and all opposing forces. Not just for America, but for the world. For God so loved the world...

It will not be by our swords that we will retake "our" land, it will not be by our own strength that we will have victory. But it will be by His right hand, His strength, and THE LIGHT OF HIS FACE, FOR HE LOVES US!

The victory is His and will always be His...will we choose to step into that truth, that reality? Will we dwell in and choose to share the light that is within us or will we allow the voice and power of men to keep others in the dark? Will we stop at nothing less than what He paid for? What did He pay for?

Did He pay for safe borders? Clean water? Land ownership? Gun rights? Civil rights? Air conditioned mansions? Freedom of speech?

NO...He paid for YOU! Your life, your heart, your future. The only rights He promises is the rights we have as sons and daughters in His Kingdom.

So I would challenge you to ask...Father God, what would you like to share with us, the church, today? Let the light of His face shine on you, in you, out of you...for He loves you, He loves us.

For God so loved the world...